Old Dartechs & Wilmingtonians Cricket Club

Founded 1961


Proposal to Kent LDPD teams.


Old Dartech’s was formed in 1961 when a group of current pupils at Dartford Technical High School met at the end of the year to form a new Cricket Club.  First games were played in 1962.


Apart from a brief foray into League Cricket in the 80’s, it has always been a social side, with the emphasis on enjoyment.  This approach has meant that many people were able to try out cricket and get a game with the club, when they may not have been able elsewhere. This certainly applied to my brother Jonathan Stringer.


Jonathan was born in 1965 with Cystic Fibrosis. At the time of diagnosis his prognosis was bleak, with few CF patients surviving past teenage years.


Jonathan had many physical disadvantages, most of which he hid very well.  He did though become a stalwart of the club, a number 11 bat par excellence and specialist square leg fielder. He went on to become Treasurer, keeper of the kit, tea maker, and in latter years , scorer.  (He was awarded the Alan Albury award for his services to the club by KCC).


Jonathan died a few years ago. He did not leave a will, but I am sure if he had done so he would have left some of his money to the Club and/or KCCC.


His estate passed to my sister and I after my father died, and ODWCC and I want to honour Jonathan’s wishes by making use of the money to support causes he would have approved of.


I am sure one of those causes would have been the Kent LDPD team.  Jonathan was a passionate supporter of Kent Cricket club, and I can think of no better tribute to him by using some of his legacy to support one of their teams.


The timing also suits ODWCC as 2021 is the Diamond jubilee of the founding of the Club. Initially we planned to make this year a big event, but have decided to postpone most of the activities to 2022.

Clive Stringer, ODWCC Secretary and Treasurer