Match Report
09/08/2015 v Kemsing
Smith and Cooper hit Maiden fifites
Snatcing victory from Defeat. Or Tail wagging like our Jack Russel
A lovely honour to guest play and report thanks tech.
The ethos of tech as i remember it was try your best and strive to improve.
Endevour and fortitude. (Could be a slogan on the crest me thinks)
Suffice to say.top order batting rather crumbled as did the dry sloping pitch against a youthful and aged oppo.until the days skip Pete Smith grabbed the game by the scruff with a personal best 50 odd.Ably assisted by Mark Cooper with another personal best and maiden 60 odd. (Endevour) with Adam Deal doing what he does.digging in with class and a priceless 20 odd.some things dont change except Adams lost a stone in weight and Mark hasnt, ;))
Tech scrambled to an able 177 from a horrible 45 -6 . Tho 20mins short of the ancient time game which meant my aged body had to keep for 45 overs. Ouch and them some.tasty tea ensued then the oppo stop start run chase followed.it went like this.they werent going for the win.then were.werent.were .oops all out . 15 shortish.! Special mention to peg.mr steady.merril junior.runs up like his dad.sam priddy could be better than his dad.P A energetic wink emoticon clive scampered like a welsh collie.Pete Peter Taplin continually improving.and Young Ben promising. Pete Smith skipped with enthusiasm and nous and this tight band of brothers were victorious !
In other news Bob Dunkley hit my wife with a batting pad hard to scare off a wasp.(hurt more than the sting) and Tim Mac turned up but refused to get in and try out the new cricket bag. Great weather.tea and result. Fortitude. ;))